Company Boost

Business Transformation & Value Creation

Strategic Advisory To Help Business Leaders Transform Their Company & Boost Value Creation

Our Advisory Services Are Focused On 3 Key Goals

We asdvise leaders to help them implement the necessary transformations to improve their company's results, maximize its value, or turn it around in case of a crisis.

Improving Company Results

We aim to optimize your company’s performance at all levels: operational, financial, and social. By identifying the key results you wish to achieve, we support you in implementing the necessary changes to realize these goals. Our mission is to guide you towards concrete improvements that directly reflect on your company’s overall performance.

Maximizing Company Value

We work with you to increase the overall value of your company, whether the goal is to prepare for a future sale, attract investments, or carry out a capital transaction. This includes identifying and leveraging value creation opportunities, mitigating risks, solving dysfunctions, and preparing your company for the future. Our aim is to enhance your company’s value in the eyes of stakeholders and potential investors, positioning you optimally for future steps.

Turning Around Companies In Difficulty

For companies facing critical challenges, we offer tailor-made turnaround solutions. By identifying the root causes of issues affecting your performance, we develop and implement a strategic action plan to rectify the situation. Our goal is to restore the financial and operational health of your company, ensuring a return to sustainable growth and stability.

Our Advisory Services Are Based On 5 Transformation Levers

To help you achieve your company's objectives, we support you in its transformation across 5 essential pillars of the organization: Governance, Strategy, Culture & HR, Operations and Finance. We start with a comprehensive diagnosis and then identify the main changes to implement to help you achieve the results you are aiming for

1. STRATEGY / Strategic Clarification & Alignment

  • Formulation of a clear vision for the next 3 to 5 years
  • Redesign of the offer, value proposition, and business model
  • Definition of the go-to-market strategy
  • Development of a strategic roadmap, setting company-wide and departmental objectives
  • Definition and monitoring of KPIs to ensure performance management
  • Facilitating managerial alignment with strategic priorities

2. LEADERSHIP / Leadership Growth & Governance

  • Design and reorganization of management teams, focusing on mission, structure, and composition
  • Executive team coaching to enhance collective efficiency, cooperation, and cohesion
  • Individual leadership coaching targeting development, performance improvement, and support during transitions and challenges
  • Facilitating alignment and managing conflicts between shareholders, directors, and chairmen/CEOs
  • Risk identification and management strategies

3. OPERATIONS / Operational Effectiveness Improvement

  • Organizational design and organizational chart definition
  • Key process definition for operational efficiency
  • Director coaching for department, site, or business unit performance enhancement
  • Initiatives to dismantle silos, enhancing internal communication, cooperation, and collaboration

4. CULTURE & HR / Culture & HR Practices Development

  • Development of company values that resonate with corporate goals
  • Execution of employee surveys and creation of plans to bolster well-being and engagement
  • Creation of a managerial competencies framework, including manager assessment and tailored training & coaching programs
  • Identification of key recruitment needs and workforce planning, including candidate assessment and onboarding coaching
  • Development of the employer brand
  • Definition of succession plans

5. FINANCE / Financial Value Creation & M&A Support

  • Definition of Financial Business Plan
  • Financial analysis for identifying improvement levers
  • M&A transaction support, including preparation, investor or target origination, and financial, HR, and organizational due diligence for fundraising, investments, and acquisitions

The Steps of Company Boost

Our support consists of an organizational audit and strategic consulting. We accompany the development and success of your company over the long term:



  • Understanding the context and expectations
  • Identification of the objectives the company wishes to achieve
  • Framing with the sponsorship of the support mission and definition of the evaluation device

Scan BUSINESS Diagnostics

  • Complete organizational audit to assess the pillars of the company: Governance, Strategy, Culture, Operations, HR & Finance
  • Online questionnaire Scan BUSINESS completion by key people of the company
  • Individual interviews of key people
  • Collection of key information and KPIS on the company

Learn More About Scan BUSINESS Diagnostics


Feedback Of Results

  • Feedback of the report to the sponsor and the management team
  • Quantitative and qualitative results from the online questionnaire
  • Diagnosis and recommendations of transformation actions
  • Leaders’ decision on actions to be implemented

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Transformation Advisory

  • Support for leaders and the executive team on one or several transformation projects
  • Implementation of targeted actions for effective transformation

Annual Follow-up

  • Annual evaluation with online questionnaire Scan BUSINESS among the teams to measure the impact of transformation, the evolution of the company and of the results and to identify improvement actions

Main Intervention Contexts

We can intervene at various key moments in the life of your company and in different contexts to support its performance and help it succeed:

Value Creation in Preparation for a Sale or Participation

Prepare your company for excellence and maximize its value in anticipation of a sale or a stake acquisition in the short or medium term.

Support for Growth and Expansion

Promote your rapid growth by strategically aligning your organization and human capital with your ambitions.

Support in Transformation

Successfully manage major changes by understanding the internal dynamics of your company and adjusting effectively.

Turnaround of Underperforming Companies

Quickly identify the root causes of underperformance and develop strategies to rectify the situation.

The Advantages Of Company Boost

Company Boost, more than just support, is an opportunity for radical transformation for your company. Our commitment to measurable results, our customized approach, and our flexibility of intervention make it the ideal choice for leaders and investors.

Customized Support

We understand that each company is unique, as are its challenges and objectives. Our approach is decidedly customized. We focus on the results you aim for, whether operational, financial, or social, to provide you with tailored support.

Results-Oriented and Value Creation

Our priority is to help you create value for your company. We are oriented towards measurable results, whether it’s to improve operational performance, increase company value, or strengthen your social impact. We support you in achieving your goals.

A Comprehensive Approach

Company Boost adopts a holistic approach. We assess and intervene on the 5 essential pillars of your company: Governance, Strategy, Culture, Operations, and Human Resources. This comprehensive approach ensures a coherent and effective transformation.

Flexibility Of Intervention

We understand that each situation is unique, and your company’s needs evolve over time. That’s why we offer total flexibility of intervention. Whether it’s for a quick “Flash” evaluation giving an overview or an in-depth “Deep Dive” analysis, we tailor our intervention to your specific needs and constraints.

Diagnosis and Support For Changes

Our work is not limited to a diagnosis. We are here to support you in implementing the necessary changes to achieve your goals. We make relevant recommendations and commit alongside you to ensure a successful transformation.

Contact Us

Your contact: David Chouraqui 

His areas of expertise:

  • Management and governance
  • Corporate finance, M&A, and private equity
  • Emotional and relational intelligence
  • Entrepreneurship and business development
  • Well-being and collective team performance

A former venture capitalist and entrepreneur, David has been supporting leaders, entrepreneurs, and managers for 11 years to manage and drive change and to develop their company and teams. He specializes in supporting leaders and executive teams.

  • Coach & Advisor to leaders
  • Graduated from HEC Grande Ecole
  • Trained in systemic coaching (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching) and certified HOGAN (Leadership Personality Assessments)
  • Since 2012: Founder of WINGMIND, a human capital consulting firm specialized in HR audits and assessments and leadership support
  • 2010-2015: Entrepreneur in the digital sector. Creator of Closing Circle, a digital media dedicated to private equity and mergers and acquisitions, which he sold to the media group Leaders League in July 2015
  • 2005-2010: Venture Capitalist. European head of business development for an American private equity firm specialized in acquiring companies in the technology and telecom sectors
  • Since 2013: Professor of management, entrepreneurship, and finance in business school


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