The performance of a member of the management team can sometimes be disappointing, which poses a challenge for any CEO keen to maintain a high-performance team. When a leader fails to live up to expectations, it’s important for the CEO to take appropriate action to remedy the situation.
Here are six possible actions to consider:
1. Draw up a development plan :
The CEO can work with the leader concerned to set up a personalized development plan. This plan can include clear objectives, targeted training, mentoring or coaching opportunities, and regular assessments to monitor progress. The emphasis is on support and continuous improvement of the leader’s skills.
2. Coaching to correct :
The CEO can opt for individual coaching for the leader in question. The use of a professional coach can help the leader identify gaps and areas for improvement, while providing the tools to develop the necessary skills. This approach gives the leader a chance to correct his performance and progress.
3. Remove organizational bottlenecks :
It is essential to identify and remove the organizational bottlenecks that can hinder a leader’s performance. The CEO must examine the processes, structures and resources in place, and make the necessary adjustments to facilitate the leader’s work and enable him to achieve his objectives more effectively.
4. Change role/perimeter :
In some cases, disappointing performance may be linked to a mismatch between the leader’s role or scope of responsibilities and his or her skills or interests. The CEO may consider redefining the leader’s role by focusing on his or her areas of expertise and giving them responsibilities more in line with their strengths.
5. Provide more resources :
If the disappointing performance is due to a lack of resources, the CEO can give the leader the resources he needs to carry out his tasks successfully. This may include additional budgets, extra staff, technological tools or any other relevant resources to support the leader in his or her role.
6. Consider replacement :
In some cases, despite our best efforts, the leader’s performance fails to improve. In such situations, the CEO may have to consider replacing the leader in question. This decision needs to be made carefully, taking into account the potential impact on the team and the organization as a whole.
In conclusion, managing a leader’s disappointing performance is a crucial responsibility for any CEO. By adopting appropriate actions such as establishing a development plan, coaching, resolving organizational blockages, modifying the role, allocating additional resources or even replacing, the CEO can help improve the leader’s performance and maintain a high-performance management team.
To go further
At WINGMIND, we specialize inassessing managers to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. We also support managers to help them improve their performance and impact.

Founder of WINGMIND, David Chouraqui serves as an advisor and coach for leaders and management teams. His areas of expertise include HR audits, leadership assessments, and change management.